5 Supplements That Are Good for Your Life As Well As Your Lifting

You don’t need to look too hard to find a never ending stream of ads, blog posts, and p...

What To Eat To Help You Live Longer & Healthier

Longevity refers to an individual’s duration of life or viability. It’s become a hot to...

Are ice baths killing your gains?

Ice baths and cold plunges, once a “secret” recovery technique of athletes, biohackers,...

5 Causes of Unintentional Weight Gain

Unexpected weight gain is frustrating.   One day you’re trim and toned. The next thing ...

What is the Fasting-Mimicking Diet

Fasting has been a part of human existence for thousands of years. The simple fact duri...

Is Working Out On an Empty Stomach Good for You

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental heal...

Does Fat Turn into Muscle?

Losing fat and building muscle (aka body recomposition) is a goal many of us have, espe...

Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery

Flu season is in full swing and with it millions are left feeling exhausted from a comb...

How Many Steps Should People Take Per Day on Average

Regular physical activity is critical to maintaining a healthy body weight, getting res...

3 Breathing Techniques to Help You Fall (and Stay) Asleep

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for losing weight, building muscle, and suppo...